Tuesday, January 29, 2013

USA Trip Day 7: Magic Kingdom

I've made it my life mission to visit all the Disneylands in the world. No seriously, I'm not kidding. lol
So far I've been to the ones at Hong Kong, Anaheim (California), and Orlando (Florida).
I'm left with Tokyo and Paris!!! 

The familiar sight of the Main Street Tram Station (:
"Let the Memories Begin!"

I wish to also add how blue the sky is whenever I'm overseas. Why doesn't Singapore get this kind of sky!

First stop, Adventureland! I almost half anticipated a Jack Sparrow actor to be at this bridge waiting for us. 

First ride of the day was Pirates of the Caribbean (after my tour guide assessed the situation and guided us to the rides with no queue.) This ride wasn't much fun for my family cos we sat the one at California. We had a fun time watching the other tour members get slightly nervous though!

Coming out from the ride we spotted a familiar face - Peter Pan! (: I honestly prefer Tinkerbell though but if you see a character, you should just chiong to take a picture! 

Yes okay that day I was trying to channel Marie Cat, with my white furry sweater and pink accessories and headgear. But I'm so depressed because I lost my ears after accidentally leaving them in the Space Mountain ride. DAMN DEPRESSED :'( Got them 4 years ago at HK Disneyland and I have not bought any other Disney headgear since because I really love it the most and haven't found anything that can compare to it. Sadly, I think it's only available in HK cos the Western Disneylands aren't really into the kawaii stuff. The Space Mountain ride crew members were being so damn unhelpful. They looked so reluctant to help, the way they checked the baskets (on each cabin) in such a half-hearted way, just made me so damn frustrated. I was watching them do it and all I can say is this is the first time that I've been so disappointed with crew members in Disneyland. Okay I shall end this rant/eulogy here. Sobs.

Haunted Mansion ride! Pretty spooky, but I was glad it wasn't a haunted house per se (where you had to walk through and characters will scare you). This was more cartoon-y and you were very safe sitting in the car. It's quite good considering that the whole haunted house was Disney-fied, and slightly inspired by the "Haunted Mansion" movie starring Ed Murphy. California has this too but they're both different to a certain extent. It didn't have the cemetery, which was my fav part! Recommended ride!

Isn't it soo damn beautiful?

We managed to catch a glimpse of the parade while walking back to Cinderella's castle to take pictures! But our tour guide wanted us to catch the Xmas parade instead, cos she felt it was nicer.

As you can see, one sister was channeling Minnie....in a trenchcoat and the other is obviously Stitch. Spot the little Stitch plushie on her head. She had a lot of stares/compliments that day! I think Americans aren't into the dressing up, practically 80% of them wear hoodies. A cast member actually told her that she was his favoritest person in the world (he is a big fan of Stitch). :/

Last solo pic with Marie Cat headgear. SOB :'(

Us with Walt Disney, Micky and the beautiful castle.

I'll never get bored of Mainstreet! If I had time I'd love to explore each and every shop.

So anyway we actually took a detour from rides that morning to shop because the previous night, we were having ice cream and the receipt came with a 20% voucher off our next purchase! But it could only be utilized before noon. So we shared this with the entire tour group, and so the tour guide gave us half an hour to shop while she went to get fast passes. So anyway, my youngest sister bought her first pin trading starter kit! And she went around exchanging the pins with cast members. Pretty fun concept IMO, but I've never traded any before cos the pins that I buy are usually carefully selected and therefore too precious to trade. :)

En route to Space Mountain! Besides the horrid part about losing my ears, this Space Mountain is by far the best of all the ones I've been on. Very very recommended!!! 

Getting our fast passes for the Peter Pan ride. The return timing was a few hours away, so we went to catch the parade first!

With the 20% voucher, I bought more pins, as well as clothes for my Duffy! Can you tell that he is dressed like Woody from Toy Story? (: This wasn't actually my Duffy but my sister's. Mine was safely in the hotel. But you can be sure that I was kicking myself for buying him one day earlier without the discount. D: Nevermind! Still cheapest out of all Disneylands. (:

Was camwhoring with Duffy while seated and waiting for the parade to start. Even managed to instagram it cos the whole park has Wifi! How awesome.

Duffy (:

The seven Dwarves.

Cinderella and the Prince in the carriage. (: We were early in camping for a spot to watch the parade. And specifically chose this spot cos all our pictures would have an awesome backdrop!

Goofy's candy factory float, which left an impression on me because as it passed by, we could actually smell peppermint candy! First ever experience of this. Probably because we were close enough to the float to have smelt it? I'm pretty sure they were spraying the scent into the air.

Same went for this gingerbread float, we literally smelt gingerbread/cinnamon!

After the parade ended, we headed to the Storybook Circus area, a new extended area of Fantasyland.

Candy apples that looked soooo cute! But from experience I knew it would look better than it would taste, plus it is really a pain to eat! Like literally would imagined myself having trouble eating it. So I skipped buying one and bought churros instead!

Love churros! Had to have it whenever I saw any stand selling churros.

We headed to the other new extended area of Fantasyland! The castle at the top of the picture is actually the the Beast's castle in Beauty and the Beast (:

Gaston's Tavern from the movie.

Where we saw Gaston! The actor was so so good. I really believed that Gaston would look like that in real life. His actions and mannerism, so believable!

It was time to use our fast-passes for the Peter Pan ride! We sat a lot of rides throughout the day, but I didn't manage to take pictures of ever single ride. We didn't sit those that were repetitive of the ones we sat before in Cali, as well as the kiddy rides. This Peter Pan ride though kiddyish, was so good that even my brother (who only likes rollercoasters) said that he enjoyed it. You actually feel like you're flying above the streets of London. So amazing (:

Headed back to watch the electrical parade! Again a first watching a Disney parade at night. 

And after the parade was of course the fireworks! I didn't manage to capture a beautiful picture of the fireworks but I found this picture. (Credits here.) You can bet it was even more spectacular than this picture. 

Here is a picture of myself being wrapped like a dumpling (having learnt a lesson yesterday), giving a retarded frozen smile while sipping on some hot chocolate from a souvenir mug (which cost an extra $5 USD). It was probably about 9 degrees celsius out, and I was surviving on three layers on top and two layers on my legs. The worst part about this type of weather is that the afternoon sun made the day too hot for a coat, but at night you just wished you had one. Scumbag weather!
My loots for the day! A total of 9 new pins to add to my ever-growing collection, as well as a better picture of the Tinkerbell lanyard I bought the day before. I have a total of 16 original Disney pins now! I also have a humble collection of 5 Universal Studio pins. (:

That's all for Magic Kingdom! I do hope to revisit it again, especially when the extension is fully completed. There was ongoing construction of the extension while we were there. Visitors can expect a new Seven Dwarves ride, Belle interactive showcase, Ariel showcase as well as a Princess Fairytale Hall. (: Till the next time!

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