Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lunar New Year Day 1 to 3

Chinese new year is one of my favorite time of the year! My previous memories during my secondary school days would be asking my dad for money weeks before to buy new year clothes. And he usually gave us a budget of $150! I would always put in a lot of effort to plan my outfits. (But looking back at pictures I shudder at the sight of my awful dress sense! Haha) But slowly as I grew older I would pay for the clothes myself. And hopefully my fashion sense has also improved!

I love CNY cos we can collect angbaos!!!! This year I'm extremely grateful for the red packets cos the money will go to my USA graduation trip. ;P


Mandatory family shot before leaving home! Nicole is so tall cos she's wearing heels! But she has not caught up to my height....yet. But soon I reckon. D:

Headed to my late paternal grandmother's house, which is also my eldest aunt's home. Yearly tradition of taking group shots! Here with all my paternal cousins. According to age, I am the 9th eldest out of 17 of us.

And since it's the Year of the Snake. They insisted a picture of the Snakes. (OMG I'M TURNING 24 T.T) Haha. Took this awkward shot on purpose! Cos we're missing one last Snake...

My eldest aunt!

Take the chance to snap more pictures cos our year only comes once every 12 years! >.<

One more family shot including my Godsister.

Picture with my cousin who is the same age as me (:

Sisters. Last year we all wore red. This year I insisted no one wear blue with me cos I wanted to stand out LOL

Face of the day shot! First time trying a bold lip color (:

Headed to maternal side. Love my cousin's new place! Big house with a swimming pool and a lift! 

Outfit of the day:
Dress from Her Velvet Vase
Shoes from Pazzion
Watch from MBMJ
Bag from Balenciaga
Necklace from Chanel

After dinner, headed to Denise's home where I won $20 from Mahjong but lost $16 to Baccarat. No gambling luck this year! Don't know why we forgot to take pictures. Lol.


Headed to my dad's friend's home in the afternoon but didn't take any pictures there. (Must start remembering to take more pictures in the future!) Drove over to my maternal grandma's place for dinner afterwards.

Outfit of the Day:
Top & Bottom from Amber Avenue
Heels from Topshop
Cuff from Balenciaga
Necklace from Forever 21

Best place to take pictures is the front porch where you can see the lap pool! So shiok to have a pool at home. I hate running so if I had a pool I'd swim often. I lack the exercise ): So far I've swam in their pool a grand total time! lol

My youngest cousin Kendra! I'm pretty close to my maternal cousins cos we used to stay over at my grandparent's house (grandparents didn't live with my cousins then) for a few days every other week when we were younger. We would play Playstation/Xbox the whole day and my grandparents will always buy Macdonalds breakfast for us in the morning. The storeroom in the house was always filled with snacks and tidbits it was like a mini mama shop! My youngest cousin didn't get to bond with us through this experience. ): Now that my grandpa has passed and grandma is living with my cousins, I have been making an extra effort to spend more time with her.

Heading up to explore the rooftop!

My Uncle loves to rear fish. Since he can't have a pond on the ground level (cos there's a pool), he decided to put it on the 4th storey!

2nd storey also must take lift down haha.

Kendra's parents. (:

And a shot with my cousin who lives in this home!

As night fell it was off to another house! This time to my father's friend's. We meet up every year so I guess you can say the kids are my childhood friends. Table on the left is the "kids" table. and the right is the "fathers" table.

Mummies are chatting on the sofa or playing mahjong! Thought it was a brilliant idea to convert the back garden into a patio! Perfect for hosting guests.

Sigh all the houses so beautiful and big! Makes me want to live in a big house too. :P


Set off from home in the afternoon to go to boyfriend's grandparents' home! Joel is in Canada so I went alone to bai nian. Since I have visited his grandparents with him every CNY for the past two years, it was only right that I did so again even though Joel wasn't around. Good thing that I went overseas with his aunts and uncles and cousins before, so I felt really comfortable around them!

After eating a portion of dinner there, I headed to Shiyun's home! Her home was opened to friends so we went there to gamble!

Outfit of the Day:
Dress from Gelliz
Necklace from Forever 21
Bag from Kate Spade
Shoes from Taobao

Last minute dress that I found online in 15 minutes! I bought a similar version in black in USA so I wanted the white one cos I like the cutting. Managed to track down a similar one in such a short time. #uselesstalent LOL

Jan why you sho cute! Hehe

And thanks to Shiyun who bought the kitty headbands for us from Taobao! Happy to be with my two favorite kitties! Looking forward to our glamorous dinner date! ;P

And also a shot with the only two hall guys who turned up.

Wishing all who see this a happy and prosperous new year ahead! (:

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