Monday, April 8, 2013

Updates + Ran's 21st @ Todai

My last post was two weeks ago! Time to update this space. 
I'm glad to say that today I submitted my last ever university assignment and sat for my very last university quiz. How fast time flies! Still quite stressed over not getting a job yet. D: But I'm happy cos Joel is one step away in securing his internship with a good company. Hopefully by June/July we would both be earning our keep!

End of March we celebrated my sister, Randi's 21st. Unlike my 21st two and a half years ago where I opted for a grand party (lol), she decided to keep it intimate. Under some recommendations, she chose a buffet dinner at Todai @ Marina Bay Sands for the family, her boyfriend and three of her closest friends. Heard some good things about the place too but when the night was over I knew I won't be heading back there ever.

OKAY. Let me do a mini-rant. I hate ill-behaved kids. And promised myself that I will never ever let my future kids be ill-mannered. When I walked into Todai the first thing I spotted was the fondue machine and I was quite happy at the sight of it. I gotta have fondue at every buffet I go. It's like a personal gauge of whether the buffet is good. (Such a bad choice of indicator. lol) There were a bunch of kids surrounding the machine, seemingly using spoons to pour chocolate from the fondue machine over their ice cream. Okay fair enough. Then my vision zoomed in on this fat kid scooping chocolate from the fondue machine with a spoon and putting it into his mouth. THEN HE PUT THE SPOON BACK INTO THE CHOCOLATE. In the mind alarm bells were going off and I was thinking, "WTF I plan to eat that later!" I immediately exclaimed to  the nearest Todai staff I could find, "Those kids are double dipping! That is damn GROSS." and she went to stop that pig of a child. ARGH. Didn't your parents ever teach you about hygiene???? That totally ruined my night. >:(  End of rant.

Randi and Barny.

Nicole and I. 

The fore-mentioned chocolate fondue machine which was unfortunately violated by stupid fat kids! And just when you would think that people who visit MBS will have more class. I obviously thought wrong.

Pathetic array of food. Didn't even want to try all. I only took the duck confit meat and chilli crab.

Vanilla ice-cream. Skipped this.

Alaskan crab, which I spammed cause honestly this was the best thing there. Very juicy and sweet! If you are into fresh oysters and scallops then the seafood spread will appeal to you. I don't take sashimi but I heard they refilled it quite slowly and in small portions. (So you'll be paiseh to take many pieces?) IMO, there are other buffets that serve bigger portions of sashimi all at once so you can happily spam and gorge yourself on it.

Pasta section where the chef will cook it on the spot. I stood there for sometime thinking about what I should get but in the end I was thinking pasta would waste the space in my stomach. Skipped it.

I didn't take pictures of the large array of sushi, but I would say there was some effort put into creating new variety of sushi combinations. Felt that it was one of the better sections of Todai. Honestly, the other sections aren't worth mentioning. 

The dessert section was probably the nicest looking, with the macaron tower thingy. But the time we hit the dessert most of the yummy desserts such as eclairs were gone. (T.T)

Since it was Todai's birthday month, March and April babies get a free (pathetic) cake! Other than it being a suitable photo-taking prop, it did not serve any other purpose. lol. I think it just sat on the table after Randi took a bite and declared it inedible.

March/April babies get to use the photo booth too, which was probably the funnest part of the whole dinner. Nevertheless, although dinner was super meh, I guess the important agenda of the night was spending time with the family.

Will I recommend Todai? No. It is expensive ($68++ for dinner) and not worth the money. Variety was limited and food was refilled slowly. The food was displayed in an aesthetic manner that made most of the dishes look appealing, but when you've tried them for the first time, there is little desire to go for a second round.
I don't think this is a really biased view although I'm a fussy eater. My whole family thought the same way about it too. D:

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