Monday, April 22, 2013

Switch by Timbre

Taking a break from exam mugging and decided to do up this post. The first ever bunch of friends I made in University were my crazy orientation group mates during the HSS Camp! It's pretty awesome that after 4 years a whole group of us are still pretty close. We decided to do a meetup before exams. Sadly, we come from different majors and our graduation ceremonies will not be on the same day. (Curse you NTU! Doesn't make any sense to put us with ADM.) Some of them have already "graduated" after 3.5 years, and are in the corporate world. Only us loser year 4s are left wandering around school like a couple of senior citizens. lol

I suggested Timbre/Switch cos I was craving for Duck pizza! They so kindly adhered to my request and we met up at Switch. (: My first time there and I must say I do appreciate the place being air-conditioned, given the recent crazy sweltering Singapore heat.

They had beers but I had to skip it cos I drove ): Then again beer makes me puke so yeah I'm a weakling when it comes to alcohol. (Getting better though!)

Jiesheng, HG, Shigz and Chong Tat

The girls (: Sorry for the bad quality! Taken with the phone.

So we spent the bulk of the time making use of the dedication board to match-make Chong Tat that night, posting open calls for single ladies to declare their interest. Heh. In the end some group sabo-ed their friend to get match-made with Tat, and the funny thing was that she was sitting right behind him all the while! So we made them take a picture together and we urged him to get her number. But then her friend starting making rules like Tat had to do the gwiyomi song and dancing gangnam style in front of the whole restaurant before he could get her friend's number. We were all rolling our eyes and telling him to forget it. -_-"

One last picture together before Hoe Guan and Jiesheng had to leave.

I drove the rest to Swirl Art cos we were craving ice-cream!

Tat, Gelle and Shasha (:

With Shigz my part-time bf and Cheryl (:

Love my Reyes girls! You guys have made my Uni life much more colorful. Thanks for your friendship. 

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